Friday, November 7, 2008


she dissappear, i ignore
she fuck with someone else's sweat, i ignore
she's cheating behind my back, i ignore
she's having another life, i ignore
she's leaving with no excuse, i ignore

life has been vicious to me, i ignore
another girl wanna make love to me, i ignore
i've been stab in the back, i ignore
i risk my life for nothing, i ignore
i lost everything, i ignore

now i'm alone with no friend aside, i ignore
the wound i have seem won't heal, i ignore
i'm slowly decaying, i ignore
i'm bleeding to death, i ignore

have no future to reach, i ignore
have no will to live, i ignore
have no love to share, i ignore
have no feeling to hurt, i ignore

ignorant is a bliss


Bila maut menjemput diakhir waktu
Kuingin kalian sadar,
Bahwa juwa bukanlah nista,
bahwa raga tidaklah munafik

Hidupku memang penuh tanda tanya
Bagai melangkah diantara angin,
Berbalut mimpi sunyi yang sepi
Berdiri sendiri melawan badai

Sebilah belati telah lama bersarang di dada
Lalu peluh bersekutu dengan darah, menapaki jejaknya diatas raga
Namun ku tiada peduli, karena lengah berarti kalah

Riwayatku adalah harta pribadi
Tertatih-tatih kuukir dengan derita dan tangis
Dan ketika semua harus berakhir disini,
Kan kubawa serta semua mimpi indah ini...