Friday, November 30, 2007


Wah...ternyata sulit sekali yah utk memegang suatu komitmen!!!
Yup!!! Finally this is my first Indonesian post for my blog. Niatan awal siy mulia, ingin go international. Apa daya, mental ndeso lbh kuat mencengkeram...hingga pada akhirnya keteteran juga deh.
Hey!!! Don't get hard on yourself!!!!
Iya deh.....mulei sekarang, gue bebas aja dong mo nulis pake bahasa apaan! Kan, blog gue ini!!! Marah-marah aja kok malah nyusahin diri sendiri...
Mustinya amarah itu universal, tanpa harus dibatasi dg bahasa, atau apapun...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Dream Ride

Lately I have this eager of having my own motor to ride. Maybe some of you will laugh for what I've dreamed. Yeah, it's like a dream come true after all these fight and struggle. Since I was in the junior till high school, I wanna have my motor to ride anywhere I go. But my mom not allowed me to. So here and now, when I got my license to ride from my mom, my adrenaline rise up and need to be explode.
But then I become numb when I've got to choose which one of those bikes should I ride. This is my first time I have to decide on buying something expensive beyond my pocket. I prefer to choose HONDA CBR rather than YAMAHA JUPITER MX or HONDA SUPRA X, but my license is way lower than that. Oh yeah, there are two candidates that still bugging my mind...I also like to ride SUZUKI SATRIA or BAJAJ PULSAR. For PULSAR, I even have taken the brochure and ready to pay the down payment. But still, I can't decide which one would be the best for me...
Aaaahhh......My need is confusing me! I want my dope to ease my mind! Can I get some, mate???


Hey, what's wrong with my Spitbox?

It says: This Site Has Been Suspended

So, I'm curious and visit the site. But then again it said that this site has been suspended. Then, where the hell is my comments from my friends??? Would they drop their words again???

Thanks to putri, now I use Cbox for my new Spitbox.

It has been several months since I visit and wrote my own blog. And it's a routine whose killing me. I don't have enough time to do anything no more. My life seem to stop at that moment.

Gosh........There's too many trouble appear lately at the same time. And I become so numb, don't know what to do.........And I hate it when this is happen!!!!